Week 7, Day 4

Another insight to becoming emotionally healthy is to never let anger, fear, or disgust take over in our life. This comes back to never letting emotions drive the vehicle.

If we let anger take control, we end up saying things we regret, and we experience even more distance in our relationships. That’s why God teaches us,

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

Proverbs 15:1

Read Proverbs 15

Disgust, anger and fear leave us running away from our problems rather than emotionally maturing through them. There are probably many times in your life when you have experienced something that caused you to question God if He’s real, and it has possibly left you angry with Him.

The thing about God is that He is quick to forgive and restore us if we are quick to confess and obey.

-In your view, is anger with God right or wrong? Explain your answer. For either answer (yes or no), tell how the answer affects what you can say to God in prayer.